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Same Day Visits Specialist

Maryvale Family Practice

Family Practice located in Phoenix, AZ

When you’re sick or hurt, you don’t want to have to wait to see your health care provider. At Maryvale Family Practice in Phoenix, Arizona, Nahla Chirco, FNP, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, offers same day visits so you get the care you need right away. She provides primary family care for patients ranging in age from 4 years to 65 and older. For immediate care, call the office or book your same-day visit online today.

Same Day Visits Q&A

What are same-day visits?

Same-day visits are appointments provided for patients in need of immediate medical care. At Maryvale Family Practice, Nahla leaves time in her daily schedule for patients who call or contact the office through the website and need to be seen that day.

Same-day visits decrease the amount of time you need to wait to be seen and ensure you get the care you need in a timely manner. 

Who needs same-day visits?

You may need a same-day visit if you or your family member has an acute illness or injury. 

Common health issues that benefit from same-day visits include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Ear infections
  • Fevers
  • Ongoing coughs or sore throats
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Minor injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Bumps and bruises
  • Sprains
  • Allergic reactions
  • Acute or chronic pain

You may also benefit from a same-day visit if you need to discuss side effects from your medications or you have urgent concerns about an ongoing health issue or your chronic disease. 

Maryvale Family Practice specializes in women’s health and pain management. When you call with a concern, in some cases Nahla may suggest a same-day visit to manage a gynecological issue or treat a pain condition. 

What can I expect during a same-day visit?

You can expect a comprehensive evaluation when you come in for a same-day visit at Maryvale Family Practice.

Nahla is an experienced family nurse practitioner and takes a holistic approach to health. Though you may be concerned about a specific health issue, she evaluates your whole-body health, not solely your symptom or disease. 

During your visit, Nahla asks detailed questions about your health concerns and when they started. She also reviews your medical history and performs a physical exam. 

What if I need testing during my same-day visit?

Maryvale Family Practice is a full-service family medicine practice and offers some types of in-house diagnostic testing. Based on the information gathered during your evaluation, Nahla may request various diagnostic tests to better understand the source of your symptoms.

In-house diagnostic testing includes:

  • Ultrasounds
  • Electrocardiograms (EKGs)
  • Pulmonary function tests
  • Nerve conduction studies
  • Lab tests

Nahla also performs allergy testing to find out what’s causing any allergic reactions. 

When she pinpoints the root cause of your symptoms, Nahla provides treatment recommendations. She may schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your health and adjust your treatment as needed.

Call Maryvale Family Practice to schedule your same-day visit today.